Blog: Exploring the Potential of AI in Process Improvement

Exploring the Potential of AI in Process Improvement

The explosion of AI is impacting nearly every industry, and operational excellence is no exception. We're embracing the disruption and are excited to see how it'll change the future of our industry. 

In our latest blog, MoreSteam CEO and Founder Bill Hathaway gives his thoughts on this hot-button topic, listing numerous potential avenues for LLMs in process improvement.

And keep an eye out for our February webinar, which will go into more detail on this topic!

Enroll in our Blended program today!

Spring, Summer, and Fall dates for all of our blended programs are posted and open for enrollment.

If you've considered becoming a Green or Black Belt, now is the time to take the leap.

Article titled, "When Your Go-To Problem-Solving Approach Fails."

A tough workplace situation can turn our usual problem-solving style on its head. To make effective choices in the workplace, we often need to put our well-worn decision-making habits to the side and ponder all aspects of the situation at hand.

Read When Your Go-To Problem-Solving Approach Fails

Master Series: Introduction to Process Modeling for Data-Driven Lean Design

There's still time to register! Join us for a new Master Series: Introduction to Process Modeling for Data-Driven Lean Design. Learn how to build process models to pilot and stress test improvements before implementation.

January 10th, 17th, and 24th - 11:00 AM EST

Article titled, AI accelerates problem-solving in complex scenarios

Researchers from MIT and ETH Zurich employed machine learning to enhance the efficiency of MILP solvers, which are used to optimize complex routing problems from companies like FedEx. The researchers streamlined the process, resulting in a 30-70% speedup without sacrificing accuracy.

Read AI accelerates problem-solving in complex scenarios

From our team to yours, thank you for the opportunity to help you make important things work better. We treasure your partnership and continued support. 

Warm wishes for a healthy and prosperous new year!

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